old times the working dynasties were in favour. Creative professions
were reputed to be protectionism and were not popular. The composer
Igor Shamo was gifted not only musically and his talent was inherited
by children.
Yury Shamo, a member of National Composers’ Union of Ukraine,
Igor Shamo’s son was the first successor of musical traditions.
Yury works in different genres. Like his father, Yury masters
piano perfectly. He is the author of 22 piano suites, 9 string
quartets, 5 chorus cycles and more than 60 works for accordion
and bayan. Yury Shamo was awarded the honorary title of ‘The man
of the year – 2000’ (USA). The composer Yury Shamo gives the author’s
concerts. He is also popular as jazz pianist and improvisator.
Yury lives in Fulda, Germany.

granddaughter – Irina Borodyanskaya – is young and gifted
singer. Irina is a student of Conservatory. Her repertoire has
the best works of the foreign, Russian and Ukrainian classics.
She became a winner of the most prestige contest in Germany –
‘Jugend musiziert’ in 2002 and 2005.
Also, she won the first prize on ‘Jugendkulturpreis
2003’ contest in Bavaria. Irina gives solo concert on the
radio and plays on tours in Europe. Irina has brilliant soprano;
she is gifted musically and is a genius of acting. In 2002 she
issued her musical disc where her grandfather’s ‘Kyeve miy’ occupied
an honourable place. Irina lives in Fulda, Germany, too.
composer’s nephew – Vladimir Shamo – is a world-famed pianist,
an Honoured worker of Ukraine, a docent of Essen Conservatory.
His sole concerts are of great success. He played on tours in
the USA, Argentina and Japan as well as in many European countries.
Vladimir Shamo has two musical discs. His repertoire has always
Igor Shamo’s compositions. Vladimir lives in Krefeld, Germany.
The composer’s grand-nephew Maksim Shamo is a pianist. He graduated
from Essen Conservatory. Being the brilliant theorist and pianist,
Maksim gives sole concerts, has archival recordings in Ukraine
and Sweden. His sole programs are complicated; he is attracted
by little known classic compositions. His playing is original
and has good technique. Maksim lives in Krefeld, Germany.
The composer’s daughter – Tamara Shamo – is occupied with preservation
and popularization of Igor Shamo’s heritage. She is a President
of the Igor Shamo’s Charitable Fund (Kiev) and a chairman of ‘Rodnik’
Russian Culture Association in Fulda (Germany). Tamara issues
musical discs with the father’s songs, writes the articles and
prepares the broadcasts on radio and television. She was awarded
the title of ‘Woman of the year – 2001’ (USA) for prominent services
in the field of culture development. Tamara lives in Fulda, Germany.